
We believe that all students are only able to achieve their potential if they attend school punctually and avoid missing lessons. We want students to aim for 100% attendance and punctuality.

Good attendance contributes to:

  • Personal and social development
  • Continuity of learning making retention and progress easier
  • Success in tests and examinations
  • Fulfilment of coursework requirements
  • Good references for further education or employment
  • A reputation for reliability

Absence due to illness

Should your child become ill and be unable to attend school, you must notify main reception on 01270 218150 or via the Edulink App every day the student is absent.

If you do not notify the school, you will receive a truancy call until you make contact with us and it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.


If you’re aware your son/daughter is going to be late, please contact the school as soon as possible so we can update our registers. If a student is late with no contact from a parent/carer, the UTC will make contact.

Authorised absence

  • Holidays are not permitted in term time.
  • Students wishing to observe official religious holidays should request leave.
  • An authorised absence may be granted for an emergency or for a bereavement. A parent/carer must provide a written note to explain the circumstances of the
  • absence before authorisation is given.
  • You must complete a request for absence form in advance.
  • Forms can be collected from reception or emailed on request.
  • The UTC will make contact to inform you whether your request has been authorised.

Medical appointments

  • Parents/carers are asked to make medical appointments outside school hours.
  • However if making an appointment during school hours can’t be avoided, you must bring evidence of the appointment to reception in advance.
  • We ask parents/carers to pick up their son/daughter for the appointment from reception. We must have verbal or written permission from the parent/carer to allow a student to leave unaccompanied.

Leaving the college premises

  • Year 10 and 11 students are not allowed off-site at any point during the day, unless it is an authorised activity.
  • We will seek parental consent prior to the activity.
  • Year 12 and 13 students must use their student ID cards to sign in and out.
  • If a student forgets their card for the day they must sign in and out of the building at all times. If a student has lost their card they will need to purchase another one, which will cost £3.