Crewe UTC delivers a unique Engineering & Design curriculum which ensures learners graduate 'industry ready'. 

We want our graduates to be the very best they can be in their chosen field. Our learners will be able to link all aspects of their learning cohesively, be able to draw on high quality and authentic employer experiences, both in the workplace and within ESP, to ensure they stand out amongst their peers in the jobs market. Our learners will consistently and independently display the personal attributes employers seek; reliability, resilience, independent and team working. 

Learners graduate Industry Ready through: 

Curriculum Integration 

  • Engineering and Design disciplines are integrated across the entire curriculum 
  • Matched resourcing and delivery of key transferable concepts 
  • Integrated employer set projects 

Employer Experiences

  • Site visits
  • Work placements
  • Mock interviews
  • Employer set projects
  • Weekly industry talks  

Professional Expectations and Competencies 

  • Conduct
  • Presentation
  • Uniform
  • Attendance
  • Aspirations mirror the expectations of the workplace